My eyes casually browsed the salmon-colored pages of my syllabus while the professor lectured on class absences and participation. Group project: 12% of final grade. I suppress a sigh and begin to scan the room for possible “group members,” hoping that my smart, hardworking friends have not already created a posse without me…
I have never liked group projects. I always feel like I have experienced a mini-defeat regardless of the grade assigned. For some projects, I have worked less, and therefore I learned very little. Or, for other projects, I wanted to do all the work myself to secure that golden A (and all the credit that comes with it).
My brother, sister, and I couldn’t quite figure out the group project growing up. Dad asked us for one thing for Father’s Day. One thing. A comic book. An original character and story, inked by his three oldest children. That was seven years ago. Captain Fox is still underwater in Professor Octo’s lair… the world created by Isaac, Michal, and I may never be conquered or saved. Poor Dad, I don’t know if he ever recovered.
Group projects are hard because it means you have to work with people, people who have their own agendas, opinions, and emotions.
Working with people is messy. It’s easy to hear talks about loving one another, forgiving one another, and servant leadership. We all agree with it in theory. But actually practicing it? That is a different animal indeed.
It is easy to become bitter towards people who miss cues and stumble over lines I wrote for them. If everyone acted out their part in Abby’s life drama, we’d all be okay. My whitewashed tomb only has room for my worms and filthy rags.
It’s hard to love people who hurt you and bring their worms into your life.
But, it’s not my drama, it is God’s story. And He asks you and me to be a part of it. My hang up is that the Kingdom is not about me writing fairy tales in my ivory tower. It means me washing your feet, turning my cheek, and giving all that I have and all that I am.
The crazy thing is, once I get past the “me” factor… and focus on my Savior, you, and all the people that surround me everyday… I find joy and peace.
Today I was so happy. I couldn’t even explain it, I didn't know why I felt so peaceful. But I realized that I have begun to believe again, believe that God is sanctifying me, and sanctifying His children around me. I am falling in love with God, and that love is spilling over to others.
So, maggots and all Jesus loves me. He died for me, and died for you and your maggots too. So, this whole group project thing… want to work for the Kingdom with me?
You are amazing Abby! I love you and miss you :)
Abby the writer is on fire!
Hi Sweetie, from one of your earliest critic. This one is amazing. I hope to pass it on to an older adult who needs it. especially from one so (relatively) young.
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