Friday, April 10, 2009

does it sink in?

Good Friday.  A day we specifically remember Jesus' death on the cross.  It is strange to think of what it would have felt like to be there on the first Good Friday... a day that was anything but good living in the midst of it.

The perfect Man, the Healer, the Teacher... the Innocent is falsely tried and hanged on a tree.  The darkness of that injustice, the darkness in the hearts of His followers.  They had dropped everything for the last 3 years, to follow Jesus, the Son of God.  Now this?

I wish I better understood the cost, the price that Jesus paid for my life.  Sometimes I get a glimpse of it. when I realize the depth of my own sins... I make a terrible mistake, an error that seems irremedial...  He paid for even this?  The weight of that sin was lifted by His sacrifice two-thousand years ago... what pain did it cost Him to bear the sins of the world?

If you have trouble imagining His suffering, I encourage you to look at a painting of Christ crucified.  It gets me everytime.  My Jesus, Lover of my soul... tortured for my sins.

Dwell on His sacrifice, marvel at His love.  The Prince of Peace, broken for you.  Lord, help us remember.

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