It doesn't matter if I write about what is bothering me or stressing me out, to write is the thing. To be able to clearly lay out my thoughts in precise or meandering sentences. To know that my paragraph has made sense of myself to me, and hopefully to others.
Writing is a way that I express my desire to be known and understood. I think everyone desires this. I think that is why we need community, as I wrote about earlier. And because we desire to be known, we do crazy things to get attention (think of yourself, celebrities, and jr. highers).... attention that we ultimately want from a God who feels far away.
It is strange to think that I am small. That I live on an earth so big, I cannot be seen from space. And this earth cannot be seen from other galaxies. Yet, there is a God. He created me, and He knows my every thought. He created me to know things by five senses, and yet I cannot see or feel Him. But He also gave me a soul, and my soul knows that He exists when I cannot touch Him. He created me to desire Him, and I will spend eternity with Him.
Sometimes these thoughts overwhelm me with their beauty, and sometimes I get caught up in my smallness and forget them. But the God who is greater than anything I can sense or imagine knows my soul. I belong to Him. I am known, and I am loved.
I like this so very much.
I feel the same. Writing is life to me. God has put that in me. I resonate with what you are saying.
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