Wednesday, December 31, 2008
last post of the year...
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
christmas in november
I hope I am not the only one who has experienced what I am referencing. That feeling of emptiness after four advent weeks of expectation. The gifts are opened, the cookies are almost gone (unless you are at Grandma Carol's), and the needles are falling of the tree. Inevitably, I write a Christmas journal about the sadness I feel.
I don't mean a shallow sadness, it runs deep and almost aches.
It isn't the presents. I like giving them away. It isn't the cookies. I am allergic to them. It isn't the trees, they are evergreen all year long... just not inside my home.
It's the Light... it's Jesus.
Something about December, and the focus on the Savior always makes you feel closer to Him. It is easier to believe that Peace came to earth when we see His people at peace with each other.
I wish I was at the manger, stroking the head of the Savior of the world. My desire for a touch from God resurfaces in December... my Thomas heart leaps at the sight of Nativity scenes and Light, bright Light.
Do visible manifestations of God coming to earth make you feel His nearness, the God who is there?
I long to be near Jesus in December, and the 25th always reminds me of this frail body that still keeps me from eternal communion with Him... the One who came to redeem this mortal flesh.
Each passing day reminds me how desperately I need Jesus, and how much I want to serve Him until He calls me home.
Even if it makes me sad, I am eagerly expecting Christmas. Sometimes, sadness is good. It reminds us of the One who wipes away tears, and sent His Son so that all weeping may one day cease.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
why does God allow the bad bounce?
After our first loss the team was struggling, questioning why it had to happen. My coach asked that if any of us had thoughts about the game that we would write them out and share them. I sent out this email to the team, and it was requested that I share it on my blog. So, pardon any soccer jargon, I wrote it to my teammates.
Why does God allow the bad bounce?
I know a lot of us have struggled with the “Why does God allow teams like ours to lose and teams like St. Xavier win?” We have all the pieces… we love God, He blessed us with soccer skills, and we love this team. The energy we get from being together is magical, and so far we have been blessed with success…. why did God stop blessing us just short of NAIA?
First off, God doesn’t usually bless His children in the most chronological, understandable way. He often withholds blessing for many years, and sometimes doesn’t bless His children in their lifetime on earth, sometimes He blesses the descendants with the fulfillment of His promises.
Do you all remember the story of Abraham? God spoke to Abraham and told him he would give him a son, and that his descendants would be like the stars in the sky. Problem was Abraham and his wife were old, and Sarah had probably gone through menopause a couple decades earlier. Abraham believed God, and God gave him a son…twenty-five years after the first time God told him he would make him a great nation! Talk about patience.
Other characters in the Old Testament also show us how waiting for the blessing isn’t easy either. Joseph was a slave in Egypt and thrown in jail even though he was innocent. The Israelites were slaves in Egypt 300 hundred years. Paul was beaten and thrown in jail for spreading the gospel.
God loved Joseph, the Israelites, Paul, and Abraham very deeply. And He redeemed them by sending His Son Jesus to die for them…. in Paul’s lifetime, but centuries after many of them had passed away.
So, what I am getting at is this… God loves you, and He loves this team. And I believe He is not finished with us yet. I want you all to remember that being a “deserving” Christian doesn’t mean that the story book gets written the way we wish it would. Sure, I wanted to go to NAIA… I know all of you wanted to. It seemed like the next step for our team, but it is step that will be taken another season by another team.
I have never learned the greatest lessons of my life through my greatest victories. Most of the important things I have learned have been through suffering and painful experiences that I would have escaped if given the option. But looking back, I wouldn’t trade them for anything.
I can’t promise you that we will experience success this coming weekend, or in any of the upcoming games our team may be given. We may experience triumph, and we may struggle. What I can promise you is that God is still faithful, and He loves us. Do you believe that? Let that truth sink into the deepest parts of your soul. God loves you, and His plan for you is greater than you can imagine, win or lose.
We have a little time left together as the 2008 Trinity Women’s soccer team. Let’s practice and play for His glory. Run with your hearts girls… bring your Heavenly Father pleasure with your sacrifice.
I love you!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
peace in the midst of bruises
I woke up this morning at 5:30 a.m. happy. For those who know me, this is an anomaly. I usually take about an hour to wake and find my smile in the morning. But today, life was good. I was glad to be alive.
My team played in the conference tournament semi-final match today, and won after double-overtime and penalty kicks. A bit of a nail-biter, but awesome. My dad said he was having heart attacks listening to our game on the internet.
I was excited to play this game today, and the nerves set in later than usual. This is it. I am a senior. My dad said I am full of sports clichés these days, and he is probably right. My team has to take it one game at a time. In 90 minutes, it could all be over.
I wasn't sure why I was so happy this morning... usually my stomach is tied in knots from the moment my alarm goes off. Today, I experienced a peace that passed my understanding.
I know where this peace came from, it came from the Prince of Peace. Everyday I spend away from His feet, I realize how desperately I need Him.
"... and the Peace of God, which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Phillipians 4:7
Many things tried to steal my peace today... a psychology test, bad passes in the game, or cheap fouls. And even though I may have stumbled, God is still kept me in His hands, and His peace covered me.
Heavenly Father, please help me rest in You, and help others find their peace in You as well.
Monday, September 15, 2008
drama, love, and maggots
My eyes casually browsed the salmon-colored pages of my syllabus while the professor lectured on class absences and participation. Group project: 12% of final grade. I suppress a sigh and begin to scan the room for possible “group members,” hoping that my smart, hardworking friends have not already created a posse without me…
Friday, August 22, 2008
the dying fire must be stirred
My affinities to certain weather systems aptly diagnose my feelings towards the creative process, and even my spirituality. I worry too often that I will lose my creative edge in a drought of ideas and inspiration. As days and weeks pass, widening the gap between me and my last creative pursuit, I begin to wonder if God has removed His hand of blessing from my imagination. Rather than ask Him for a fresh outpouring creativity, I begin to focus on what I can do to light the fire... when the best thing I can do is ask my Heavenly Father to ignite it once again.
My spiritual life often follows a similar pattern... I spend the rainy days of blessing worrying about the coming drought. I am experiencing drought, and the worst part is I know it is my fault. I have neglected spending time with my God, and I feel far from Him. I have been recovering, crying out to Him... begging for His presence. I know that my God will never forsake me, and that I cannot be snatched from His hand. However, I can still experience the pain of loneliness when I don't invest in the relationship that was bought at so great a price.
I am pursuing my Jesus, and the peace that covers my soul when I rest in His presence. Hear my cry, sweet Redeemer... draw me to You, let me walk in Your perfect ways.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
for all those who cheat at candyland...
At the age of four I thought I was more or less perfect, but my mom explained to me that hitting my brother and lying to my dad about finishing my dinner were not exactly angelic traits. Without Jesus' sacrifice I was on the fast track to eternal damnation.
I joyfully accepted Jesus' offer of salvation. Unfortunately, while I would like to say it was all smooth sailing from there, it wasn't.
I still messed up. At 6 I cheated in Candyland with my brother, slyly slipping Queen Frostine underneath the first card in the deck, then magnanimously I allowed Isaac to go first. I was grounded at 7. I continued to be an occasional liar, just enough to keep up an appearance of innocence. I generally didn't get into trouble, so don't worry, I will not turn this post into a confessional booth.
Even though I appeared good, and generally made the right choices... I knew that even with Jesus, parts of my heart were still tainted. Because I knew my darkness, I doubted that I was saved.
I cannot count how many times I sat and listened to a preacher give an invitation, and sadly wondered if I really had received the "gift." I said the prayer again... and again.... and again.
"Lord Jesus, thank you for dying on the cross... I accept your free gift of salvation... please forgive me for the sins I have committed..."
I began to think strange and horrible things. Maybe I was damned, maybe I had unwittingly committed the unpardonable sin. Maybe I was not chosen... maybe I was not predestined.
I started to fear the demonic... I imagined they were exercising some sort of power over me that was keeping me from God. I figured I was probably not worthy of Christ, and He would rather not have me.
I'd lie awake in my bed at night, gripped by fear, almost physically pained... assuming that hell was my future, and Jesus was my past.
I struggled with this for years, all the while attending youth group and church, even serving others in ministry. But I was cracking, and my mom knew it.
One day, exasperated, she showed me Psalm 139. She read it out loud to me, and one verse in particular jumped out at me, it burned in my mind. "You hem me in, behind and before, and lay Your hand upon me." (Psalm 139:5) This verse seems simplistic, but the thought of God having His hand upon, that extremely personal picture, brought me to tears. I wept before the presence of God, the Father who loves me, and realized that He desired me... and He was not going to allow anything to separate me from Himself.
From that point on, I began to rehabilitate. I started believing the promises of Scripture again.
"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of My hand. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father's hand. I and the Father are one." John 10:27-30
I was in Jesus' hands, and the Father had His hand upon me. I stopped kidding myself into believing that somehow I had to be good enough, or that I was going to hold on long enough.
The Father desires that none should perish, but that all should come to repentance. He was calling me to Himself, but I allowed the fears of this world and the next to crowd Him out, I put my emphasis in the wrong place, and almost lost the faith I wanted so badly.
Some of you may also struggle with whether or not you are "saved" or question the legitimacy of your born again experience. My pastor said once that the fact that you care and worry about such questions is a sign, a sign of the hand of God on your life. God's hand on your head.
He wants you... do you trust Him?
"Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high; I cannot attain it." Psalm 139:6
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
falling into the infinite
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
math geek, you are loved
Sunday, July 6, 2008
please hang up and dial again
Friday, July 4, 2008
healed, ungrateful wretch
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
dogs, lions, and ballerinas
4 yrs: Ballerina, in love with pink.
6 yrs: Vet, then after dog-dander allergy discovery, became future marine biologist.
8 yrs: World Cup soccer player.
10 yrs: Author/artist
12 yrs: Author/artist/concert pianist
And finally, as a teenager I wanted to be something that combined writing/drawing/piano with a passion for ministry... I decided I would be missionary teacher.
I was terrified. I was going to screw this up. What if I don't become what God wants me to be? What if He wants me to be something I don't want to be? Back when I wanted to be a world class soccer player I had a vision. I was sitting in the van while my mom ran into the store. A vision of the African continent was floating in my mind's eye, and I started to cry. I believed God was calling me to missions and I was too afraid to go. I didn't want to leave my family and live in a hut in lion country... and I didn't want locals to offer me grubs on a leaf a la carte.
My mom came back to the van to find her nine year old in the grips of an emotional crisis. She told me that I didn't have to worry, if God said go to Africa, He would prepare me and He would be with me. I felt better but I wasn't convinced.
My chameleon dreams haunted me in college... I transferred schools, considered transfer, changed my major, and considered major changes... the usual suspects. The only thing I knew for sure was that I wanted to serve God, and write.
I entered college with a laundry list of things to do: play soccer, study abroad, go on missions trips, be a wilderness camp counselor... on and on and on. And now, with my senior year approaching, I can look back and see that I accomplished many things, but I didn't do everything on my list.
I thought if I didn't do everything, and prepare myself for anything, God couldn't use me. I wanted to be the smartest, most skilled, cleanest vessel God had ever used for ministry.
Wait a second, how much of this is about God anyway? How much of this is about the sacrifice Jesus made for me on the cross? I have had a pretty me-centered view, one that reeks with self-fulfillment and actualization.
God has a tendency... He uses the unlikely, the under-prepared. He doesn't mind taking the scum of the earth and making them His sons and daughters. Shepherds were the first to see baby Jesus. Fishermen were His disciples. In Jesus' genealogy there are second sons, foreigners, murderers, and prostitutes.
I am not afraid; I don't need to prove myself to the world. What is required of me? I need to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with my God (Micah 6:8). That's right, walk in humility. It's not about me, God can make me whatever He wants. And, as the Creator and Savior of my soul and personhood... Giver of any gift that I possess... His plan will be the most fulfilling. Show me where to walk Lord, I will follow.
Monday, June 23, 2008
wanting to be john
I thought it was so prideful to single himself out as the one that Jesus loved out of all the other disciples. What made him so special? I was jealous. I wanted to be the "one that Jesus loved." I wanted to be sitting at the table with my head on His breast, listening to Him speak about His kingdom.
I wasn't only jealous of John, I was jealous of anyone who had a special encounter with God in the Bible. I wanted God to step into my life like He had stepped into theirs. I wanted Him to tell me that I was born again, come and ask for water at my faucet, heal my cousin, have dinner at my house. I wanted to hug Jesus, touch His face. I used to dream about what it would be like to hug Jesus... all I could imagine was light, blinding light and a feeling of safety.
I think we all want to experience specific, special, one and only love. I wanted this love from God, what I didn't realize is that He had given it to me; I just wasn't able to understand it. It was hard because I wanted to physically experience His presence. It is difficult to understand how an infinite, eternal being loves a finite one. I know that I am capable of love, but not of loving the whole human race the way God does. I can only love a few people deeply, and wish for the good of many. But to really love others, know them intimately, and step into their suffering and weakness, that is divine. I project upon God the capabilities of my love, assuming that because I cannot be intimate with everyone, He cannot either.
It is wonderful to realize that the God who loved John, loves me. The Jesus who died for John, died for me, and died for everyone. I do see His love, I see His love through His Word, His creation, and through the people He has placed in my life.
Someday I will be in heaven with John and the ones I love. And I will see Jesus, He will touch my face, and I will be His.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
eternal longing
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
rat poison
"Abby gets mad really easily."
I immediately became angry, replying that I only get mad when I am purposefully provoked. I was defensive because I am rather easy going, and more often feel as though I am being a pushover rather than a hothead. But what sort of virtue is this anyway, the virtue of irregular grace and occasional good temper?
In Mere Christianity C.S. Lewis writes:
"Surely what a man does when he is taken off his guard is the best evidence for what sort of man he is? Surely what pops out before the man has time to put on a disguise is the truth? If there are rats in the cellar you are most likely to see them if you go in very suddenly. But the suddenness does not create the rats: it only prevents them from hiding."
I find that I am often on my best behavior when I am in public, amongst those I want to make a good impression on, the ones who do not love me unconditionally. It is easier to be your unlovable, fleshy self when home, amongst those who must love you with all your warts and blemishes.
I want to kill the rats. I want to be a woman of peace, a woman whose words are patient and true... even when surprised... even when provoked.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
paper or plastic?
- I want to keep track of my money.
- My checkbook works just fine.
- A little person, one of my tech savvy sisters for example, just might have a shopping spree on American Girl's website at my expense. You never can tell.
- Did I mention I don't trust myself?
Friday, June 13, 2008
destructive blessings
-I love driving with no place to go...not early, not late, just being.
-I love driving to the place where loved ones are, knowing that each mile brings me that much closer to their familiar voices and gentle arms.
-I love driving in the rain, watching raindrops become streams of water that spread their fingers out over my windshield, hugging the dry capsule I stare out from. I watch the road and wait for flashes of lightning, I grip the steering knuckles turn white.I sing songs of thankfulness whenever I encounter crummy weather. I often feel guilty that my joy comes at the expense of another man's misfortune. I have been enjoying the recent unusual June showers that bring...July fireworks? But in Iowa, they are suffering terrible flooding, loss, and even death. I have pondered the loss of the mothers and fathers whose boy scouts were killed in the tornado this week, and wondered at the storms that can be beautiful, yet sinister.
It reminds me of George MacDonald's story At The Back of the North Wind. In the book the boy Diamond must come to terms with the fact that God tells the North Wind to sing her song, and sometimes that means that people will die. The song is chilling but beautiful, the most beautiful thing Diamond has ever heard.
I often feel like Diamond...why must Creation groan and suffer, why must the wind bring rain for the crops and death for the creatures? The Fall has tainted us in more ways than I can ever understand, and certainly will not understand this side of heaven. Perhaps that is why it is the shadowlands, the valley of the shadow of death. When the Son rises, we will see the world for what it is, and the glory and perfection of the Kingdom will be...home. We will know that this is what we have spent our whole lives longing for, this is what we mourned for when the North Wind sang her song. And He, the Father, will wipe away our tears.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
milk and speckled eggs
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
fuzzy sheep give freely
lovable little idols
I bought into the lie; we are so much more cultured and refined in our day. We might as well have the 9 commandments because no one struggles with idols anymore.
Unfortunately, like Rachel, I was sitting on my own idols...hiding them from my Heavenly Father. How many shrines did I erect for horses, dolls, and teddy bears? How many times did I pore over toy magazines like holy scriptures, seeking the hidden truths of wealth, power, and possession?
I remember one internal battle that I fought and lost. I reflected on a difficult question: Would I give away my doll to a poor girl, would I give away my doll for the sake of Christ? I would have said yes out loud to save face, but I knew I couldn't, and I hoped I wouldn't have to. Even as a girl I knew that I was the rich man, I couldn't sell all.
One day, when my mom was going through our toys to get rid of the excess, I began to sing the praises of my teddy bear Snowball, who had been a good friend and companion to me during creepy nights on my bunk bed. My mom, with classic bluntness replied, "You realize that at the end of the world, after Jesus comes back, Snowball is going to burn." I was horrified. I had visions of an earth on fire, and the red flames were licking the face of my beloved bear. I was traumatized at first, but that day began my letting go process, and I began to deal with my grief. Grieving the death of my god.
We worship little gods everyday. The gods of convenience, gods of pleasure, gods of power, gods of style. Why do we do this? Why do we worship frail things made of dust, made by the Creator, or at worst, made by ourselves? Can anyone imagine God creating Adam and rather than saying His work was good, falling upon His holy face in awe at His creation? I don't think so. Then why do I worship clothes and toys made in China?
We go to tanning beds, when the true sun is outside. We watch relationships on tv, and sit next to the real people we love. We worship at the altars of me, and reject the One who made us. We seek the immediate satisfaction of an idol who is there, and the reject the God who is everywhere...calling our names, and waiting for us to come home.
Monday, June 9, 2008
cracking the ring of fellowship
When I was a girl, I loved to talk. I read the word loquacious once in the vocab section of a magazine and proudly told my mom that it described me to a t. I liked talking to anyone of any age, younger or older; it didn’t matter to me as long as they would lend me their ear for a few minutes.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
why i stopped hating the president...for less than political reasons
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
homeless, cold, and hungry
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
martin luther king jr.: the loving social activist
Monday, May 12, 2008
poverty and justice: part 1
----As a Christ-follower how should I think about and act on issues like poverty and hunger?
I want to establish what I am not saying right away. I’m not saying that Christians do not work in the world against evils like poverty and hunger. They do, and the things they do have brought about changes and saved lives. This I like and I recognize the work that they have done. What I am trying to understand is what still needs to be accomplished, because last time I checked Jesus still has not returned and I am called to bring about His kingdom on earth.
What evils are still prevalent and what injustices still need addressing? I want to know what I am supposed to do and what things Christians should become aware of and begin to act on rather than staying in a spiritually stagnant status quo.
I started reading Ron Sider’s "Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger" and it is radicalizing my mind already after having read the first chapter.
In the first chapter he cites statistic after statistic showing that poverty and hunger are two of the greatest problems in the world today.
Because of the issues of hunger and malnutrition, thousands of children are dying from starvation and disease. Many children become brain damaged because they do not get enough protein for their brains to develop properly.
The statistics on children are particularly challenging for me because I have been and continue to be concerned for children and the unborn. If I am going to be consistent in my care for the little ones in our world I need to seek the welfare of the starving ones as well as for the unborn.
----How can I help? These problems seem so big and I know that I am small. But, the God I serve is greater than any of the tragedies in this world. I trust that if I am willing to learn and see these problems for what they are, God can show me what He would have me to do. I am excited to continue reading this book and see how I can apply it to my life now, and in the days to come.
---When I throw away wasted food, what am I really doing? If I say that it is wasteful and I should eat it because a child in Africa would love to eat it, it doesn’t seem to have much of an impact because I cannot mail him my leftover spaghetti. But, if I look at it as I could have made less food, saved money, and then sent that child in Africa five dollars so he could eat for a month, now I can smell change and the stench of moldy food begins to fade.